Silver Pkg. - Job Search

Silver Pkg. - Job Search

Silver Pkg. - Job Search
per job search campaign

You provide your essential details such as email address, phone number, past employment and unique job skills and abilities. And let's determine the ideal position you want. I will use that information and craft a strong first draft for you. The draft will include the key words employers look for right away. Since hiring managers only spend mere seconds reviewing a resume it will be designed to show who you are and why a company should hire you - FAST.

You then carefully review the draft and together we'll make those revisions, complete the resume (sending you the document in in Word and PDF versions) and start you on your way to that new job.

The Silver Package adds the following essential services to your resume:

Cover and thank you letter development

  • Aggressive targeting of potential employers.
  • Online job site analysis customized to your specific goals
  • Guidance on networking
  • Interview preparation and coaching
  • Twice-weekly assistance with your job search campaign

Areas Covered

Metro Cleveland, Ohio & Midwest USA

Contact Me

Where I am located

Sheffield Village, Ohio

Send an email

[email protected]
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If you have any questions about my services or would like to book an appointmen, please send a message.
I'll reply to you as soon as possible.​