What Your Resume Must Do - Fast!

It is a fact that average amount of time a resume is reviewed by a hiring manager or screener is just 10-15 seconds. Your resume must make an immediate and positive impression in those first seconds. There is no second chance. Our job is to make your resume stand out immediately.
We know that people just don't read. So, we get right to the point - using bullet points to quickly convey what you can do and how you do it better than your competition. 

Having walked in your shoes a few more times than I wanted, I learned these lessons the hard way - through 30+ years of experience in the corporate, broadcast, hospitality and casino sectors. I have learned how to help you avoid the common mistakes job seekers make that set back their search.

I've written resumes for every type of job and profession and know what companies are looking for. I can also show you how to use the under utilized resource of LinkedIn to provide with great daily visibility.

Areas Covered

Metro Cleveland, Ohio & Midwest USA

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Where I am located

Sheffield Village, Ohio

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